Search Result(1 - 12 of 762)
Aubin House
Aubin House
Aubin House
Aubin House
Aubin House
171-172 Gloucester Road, Wanchai Waterfront, Hong Kong
Area: Approx. 610 sq. ft. (Gross)
View: Full Sea View
Decoration: Fully Fitted
Rent: HK$23,997 @HK$39.3
Reference No.:104984
Shui On Centre
Shui On Centre
Shui On Centre
Shui On Centre
Shui On Centre
6-8 Harbour Road, Wanchai Waterfront, Hong Kong
Area: Approx. 669 sq. ft. (Gross)
View: City View
Decoration: Fully Furnished
Layout: 8 Workstation
Rent: HK$30,774 @HK$46
Reference No.:115406
Neich Tower
Neich Tower
Neich Tower
Neich Tower
Neich Tower
124-131 Gloucester Road, Wanchai Waterfront, Hong Kong
Area: Approx. 694 sq. ft. (Gross)
View: Partial Sea View
Decoration: Partially Fitted
Layout: With Server Room
Rent: HK$22,800 @HK$32.9
Reference No.:137680
Tak Lee Commercial Building
Tak Lee Commercial Building
113-117 Wan Chai Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Area: Approx. 696 sq. ft. (Gross)
View: City View
Decoration: Ceiling
Sale: HK$7,800,000 @HK$11,207
Rent: HK$17,497 @HK$25.1
Reference No.:137957
Lockhart Centre
Lockhart Centre
Lockhart Centre
301-307 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Area: Approx. 757 sq. ft. (Gross)
View: City View
Decoration: Open Ceiling
Layout: Facing Lift Lobby
Sale: HK$8,705,500 @HK$11,500
Rent: HK$13,626 @HK$18
Reference No.:142379
Jubilee Centre
Jubilee Centre
Jubilee Centre
Jubilee Centre
Jubilee Centre
18 Fenwick Street, Wanchai Waterfront, Hong Kong
Area: Approx. 817 sq. ft. (Gross)
View: City View
Decoration: Fully Fitted
Layout: 2 Room
Rent: HK$31,046 @HK$38
Reference No.:144749
Tai Tung Building
Tai Tung Building
Tai Tung Building
Tai Tung Building
Tai Tung Building
Tai Tung Building
Tai Tung Building
8 Fleming Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Area: Approx. 828 sq. ft. (Gross)
View: City View
Decoration: Fully Fitted
Layout: 1 Room, 1 Meeting Room, 4 Workstation
Rent: HK$31,464 @HK$38
Reference No.:148618
Sang Woo Building
Sang Woo Building
Sang Woo Building
Sang Woo Building
Sang Woo Building
Sang Woo Building
228 Gloucester Road, Wanchai Waterfront, Hong Kong
Area: Approx. 908 sq. ft. (Gross)
View: Sea View
Decoration: Fully Fitted
Rent: HK$36,800 @HK$40.5
Reference No.:146525
CNT Tower
CNT Tower
CNT Tower
CNT Tower
CNT Tower
CNT Tower
CNT Tower
CNT Tower
CNT Tower
338 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Area: Approx. 940 sq. ft. (Gross)
View: Partial Sea View
Decoration: Fully Fitted
Layout: 2 Room, 1 Meeting Room, 3 Workstation
Rent: HK$27,000 @HK$28.7
Reference No.:110110
Loyong Court Commercial Building
Loyong Court Commercial Building
Loyong Court Commercial Building
Loyong Court Commercial Building
212-220 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Area: Approx. 1,000 sq. ft. (Gross)
View: City View
Decoration: Fully Fitted
Rent: HK$24,000 @HK$24
Reference No.:127632
ZJ 300
ZJ 300
300-306 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Area: Approx. 1,035 sq. ft. (Gross)
View: City View
Decoration: Bareshell
Sale: HK$15,000,000 @HK$14,493
Rent: HK$52,795 @HK$51
Reference No.:124198
Kam Chung Commercial Building
Kam Chung Commercial Building
Kam Chung Commercial Building
Kam Chung Commercial Building
Kam Chung Commercial Building
Kam Chung Commercial Building
Kam Chung Commercial Building
Kam Chung Commercial Building
Kam Chung Commercial Building
19-21 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Area: Approx. 1,040 sq. ft. (Gross)
View: City View
Decoration: Fully Fitted
Rent: HK$40,997 @HK$39.4
Reference No.:118571

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